BUILDING THE BEST: A DISTRICT SALES MANAGER DEVELOPMENT PROCESS, WORKSHOP I SR397 This workshop will provide a systematic and individual assessment of a manager's skill strengths and areas for improvement in the following key competency areas: Sales Leadership, Strategic Ability, Executive Skills, Results- Oriented Focus, and People Management. This workshop will give the District Sales Manager the opportunity to build skills in these competency areas through feedback, one-on-one coaching, instruction, and experimentation with new management/leadership behaviors via role playing. STUDENT PROFILE: All CSO/Americas District Managers PREREQUISITES: Prestudy sent upon registration. STUDENT PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of the workshop, the manager will have a clear understanding of their performance in the above key competencies from several points of view o their own perception o their manager's perception o their subordinate's perception o their peer's perception (others who work regularly with him/her) o an independent assessor's perception via observation throughout the workshop The manager will then take this feedback to his/her manager and work together on an overall individual development plan to address the identified key development areas. COURSE OUTLINE: All simulations within this workshop not only model the CSO/Americas Sales Organization of today, but model the sales organization of the future. All partcipants will perform each simulation individually and will be observed by an independent assessor who will give individual feedback and coaching on skill strengths and areas of development. Each simulation section will allow the manager to participate in a simulation scenario, receive feedback on observed skill behavior in that simulation, receive instruction, and then have the opportunity to use the feedback and instruction to practice and experiment with those skills in another similar simulation scenario. This workshop is divided into the following sections: Intro: Opening Statements Section 1 Individual Survey Feedback Section 2 Performance Management Simulation - Simulation I - Instruction - Individual Feedback & Coaching - Simulation II Section 3 In Basket/Team Meeting Simulation - Simulation I - Instruction - Individual Feedback & Coaching - Simulation II Section 4 Customer Contact Simulation - Simulation I - Instruction - Individual Feedback & Coaching - Simulation II Section 5 Individual Summary Feedback Section 6 Individual Development Planning Section 7 Evaluation & Closing Session TESTING PROCESS: Survey and feedback to be used as a basi`s for individual development plan. FORMAT: Classroom LOCATION: Two sites TBD; check Field Training Hotline calendar for dates and locations. LENGTH: 3 Days AVAILABILITY: Check Field Training Hotline Calendar LANGUAGE: English EQUIPMENT: N/A CLASS SIZE: 12 Maximum, 8 Minimum REGISTRATION: Register on TMS via Field Development QUESTIONS: Contact your Field Development Manager PROJECT MGR: Pat Creighton, Telnet or (408) 447-4254